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Hayyam bowl
Sherali Loik
Each new book by the famous Tajik poet Loik Sherali reveals an unexpected angle of reading traditional topics, forcing the reader to think about the spiritual and cultural values of our time, about the world in man and man in the world.
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Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow
Alexandr Radishchev
The history of the Russian liberation movement is revealed under the name of Alexander Radishchev. Radishchev was one of the first to realize the fundamental roots of the contradictions of the despotic serf system in Russia by boiib and took the side of the oppressed people. With his oath "Liberty", he initiated poetry in the revolutionary spirit, manifested himself as a revolutionary thinker with articles "A letter to a friend living in Tobolsk", "The path of life of Fyodor Vasilyevich Ushakov" and others. However, the writer's hatred for the system of despondency and serfdom was expressed more strongly in the work "Journey from Petersburg to Moscow", and this work clearly showed Radishchev's death in the nts revolutionary movement as well as in the history of Russian literature. This "journey" embodied all the life experiences of the writer in the form of a tour, reflected the truly encyclopedic nature of his knowledge and interests, summarized thirty years of observations, reflections on the most diverse aspects of Russian realities, world and Russian history.
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Твардовский А. Т., Гефтер М. Я.
Мир XX века предстает в этой книге в ощущениях-переживаниях и мыслях двух современников — поэта, прозаика, главного редактора "Нового мира" Александра Твардовского и историка, философа, публициста Михаила Гефтера. Их разножанровое двухголосье во множестве голограмм-фрагментов, деталей, оттенков и панорамных полотен воссоздаёт в неожиданных ракурсах картину минувшего столетия.
Ряд произведений А. Твардовского (поэзия, проза, военные корреспонденции), а также большая часть текстов М. Гефтера не были известны до сих пор. Извлеченные из личных архивов, они являются первой книжной публикацией или неизвестными читателям вариантами текстов.
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Sohibqironni anglash- o'zlikni anglash
Baxtiyor Haydarov
Аmir Temur shaxsi nafaqat millatimiz, balki umuminsoniyat ahamiyatiga molik isteʼdodi va insoniy fazilatlari tufayli boqiy sanaladi. Ul zot umri davomida qatʼiy amal qilgan "Kuch -adolatda" degan mashhur shior, aslida butun insoniyatning ko'p asrlik orzusi edi.
Tajribali publitsist, sinchikov ijodkor Baxtiyor Haydarov Sohibqiron hayoti va faoliyatini oʼrganadi hamda uning maʼnaviy qudrati qanchalik katta ekanligini his etib, bu qudratni oʼz maqolalari orqali ko'rsatib berishga harakat qiladi. Ushbu maqolalar mahsuli boʼlgan qo'lingizdagi kitob siz aziz oʼquvchilarni befarq qoldirmaydi, degan umiddamiz.
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